Although this course did have quite a lot of reading, I really feel like I have learned a lot: about artists I didn't know anything about, specific theories of art, the greater art world/community, etc. This class has also helped me to begin thinking seriously about my own art and myself as an artist. I am so glad that we were required to go to at least 6 art events/talks for Soph. Sem. because I ended up going to the majority of talks that happened this semester and I really enjoyed them! I definitely would not have gotten around to going to many if not for this class and I am really grateful. Hearing artists talk about their own work has been inspiring and thought-provoking.
As for my studio practice, I am hoping to consistently set aside time for myself to do my own artwork, not just classwork. I am hoping that after I come back from Italy later this summer that I will be inspired to do a lot of my own artwork. Right now I have some more sculptural ideas that are knocking around in my head that I would like to pursue before school starts again. I just hope that the summer does not fly by like usual without me getting anything done! Goals for myself for over the summer / fall semester: spend several hours per week working on my own artwork, spend time looking for shows in which to apply/exhibit, and build my resume. I am really excited to continue to define my vision as an artist in preparation for my BFA year...and am definitely a little relieved that I still have another year before I will be stressed out about all that work. But at the same time I can't wait to have the BFA experience because I know it will be a great time of personal growth. Taking Sophomore Seminar, hearing all these different viewpoints and thoughts on art and artists, seeing so much artwork, and thinking about my own work has only further cemented my knowledge that art is what I want to do with my life.
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